272nd Volks Grenadier Division


I Bataillon 980 Volks Grenadier Regiment


1 Command Stand

1 & 2 Kompanie (each)

1 Command Infantry Stand

1 Assault Rifle Stand

1 Weapons Stand

1 Panzerschreck Stand

[4 Kompanie - off table

1 leIG-37 75mm – call 1-7 inf cmd only]

14 Kompanie (attached from Regiment)

1 Command Infantry

1 Infantry Stand

2 Kompanie 272 Panzerjäger Abt

1 Command Hetzer

1 Hetzer

Kampfgruppe Turke

1 JagdPz-IV/48 Command

2 StuG-III

[1 Btte 272 AR – off table

1 105mm  - call 1-7 inf cmd only]

[10 Btte 272 AR – off table

1 150mm – call 1-7 special]


All personnel stands have integral Panzerfaust


5th Armoured Division


Reserve Combat Command (CCR)


1 Command Stand

1 M3 Halftrack (HMG)

2 “Paired” Companies* each

1 Command Infantry Stand (+)

1 M3 Halftrack (HMG)

1 M4A3 Sherman 75mm

1 “Paired” Company*

1 Command M4A3 Sherman 76mm

1 Infantry Stand (+)

1 M3 Halftrack

3rd Battalion 28th Infantry Regiment

1 Command Stand

3 Infantry Stands

1 Weapons Stand

C Company 628th Tank Destroyer Bttn

1 M36 GMC (starts demoralised)

[Artillery Battalion – off table

3 105mm – any HQ call 1 gun 1-7, 3 guns 1-5]


*The paired companies are one company from the 10th Tank Battalion and one Company from 47th Armoured Infantry acting in concert.


All personnel stands have integral Bazooka


Troop Quality


Most Germans Trained 8

KG Turke Experienced 8


US Forces Experienced 7