Night time at Bukit Panjang


On 8th Feb 1942 the Japanese, having attacked town the length of the Malayan peninsular, started their attack on Singapore. They crossed the Johore Straight and defeated the Commonwealth forces waiting for them. The Japanese pressed forward relentlessly, aiming for the reservoirs that supplied Singapore city. To capture them was to win the campaign. The battle came to a head in the late hours of the 10th when the Japanese 5th and 18th Divisions attacked the final defence line in front of the reservoirs. On of the key points in the defence was the village of Bukit Panjang defended by the 2/29th Australian Battalion and the Plymouth-Argylls

Map and Order of Battle

Commonwealth Deployment

Both battalions are deployed in the areas shown on the map by the magenta dashed lines. Both battalions are in foxholes (-2 cover). Commonwealth deploy first

Japanese Deployment

The 1st and 2nd Companies of both Japanese battalions and the tanks are deployed on table. The 1st Battalion is deployed up to 6" north of the Choa Chu Kang Rd, the 2nd Battalion up to 6" south of it. The tanks must be deployed on the road. They may not be deployed within LOS of a Commonwealth stand. They may be deployed in the 2/29th deployment zone if the Commonwealth player chooses not to defend forward, however the Japanese must remain within 6" of road AB

The rest of the Japanese forces enter turn 2.  The 1st Battalion is deployed up to 6" north of the Choa Chu Kang Rd, the 2nd Battalion up to 6" south of it.


The table is 4ft x 4ft if playing at 1" = 50m. North is towards the top of the page

There is no open ground on the table 

The majority of the terrain is "scrub" mixed trees and foliage. Scrub is open blocking terrain with a max visibility through it of 4". Personnel stands are unimpeded by the scrub. Tracked vehicles move at quarter speed in the scrub, wheeled vehicles and man-handled guns at an tenth speed. Japanese 70mm infantry guns can be carried at infantry speeds dissembled, but require a turn to emplace or remove if moving this way. The scrub gives +1 cover to those within.

The dark green area is jungle. This is impenetrable to vehicles and man-handled guns, infantry move half speed through it. Max visibility within is 0" (ie you must be touching) No mortars (inc 50mm "knee" mortars) can be fired in the jungle

The grey squares are BUA. All are predominantly wooden and fairly dispersed buildings. Personnel and Japanese 70mm guns within get +2 cover, vehicles and other towed guns get +1 cover. There are no ROF penalties

Red lines are roads. Max visibility down the roads is 4"". Stands on the road still get +1 cover

The green dashed line is the pipeline (actually a strip of open ground, the pipes are buried) and the black dashed line is a railway. In game terms they are the same counting as open terrain for movement purposes. Visibility down the lines is 2" in in Jungle or 4" if in scrub. Stands on the lines still get +1 cover

The blue lines are streams. They are no impediment to most stands. Wheeled vehicles and manhandled guns (not Japanese 70mm) cost a BMA to cross. Personnel stands within (not towed guns) get +2 cover. Moving along the streams is at 1/2 speed. Visibility down the streams is 2" in in Jungle or 4" if in scrub

Special Rules

The Game is 7-8 turns long. At the end of the 7th turn roll d10, on a 6+ there is a further turn

Its night. Due to various fires in the area the max visibility is 4" unless the terrain rules say otherwise. Spotting distances are halved or 4" whichever is smaller. The following night rules are in effect (pg 93): 39.1.2 (2nd paragraph only); 39.1.4 and 39.1.7

The Plymouth Argylls have a couple of road bocks, made of overturned trucks reinforced by mines. Any stand moving along the road must stop when they encounter the bock. It takes a Chi-Ha tank one full turn with a cautious advance order to remove the block

In real world terms the Plymouth Argylls had three Marmon Herington Mk III armoured cars and a single Lanchester. The Commonwealth player may use either type on the table top. Note the Lanchester had a Boys ATR replacing one of the MGs, probably the hull one

Victory Conditions

To win the Japanese need to fulfil the following conditions

If they fail in any one of the condition the game is a draw. If they fail in two or more conditions the game is a commonwealth victory


See Bukit Timah