Pictures of the Counter Attack

 The game was played 29/6/08 At Dave Norman's new house. Dave was the Japanese, John & I were the Commonwealth. John supplied most of the British infantry and the Shermans, I supplied the Japanese and a few odd commonwealth bits.

14th Tank Regiment outside Zuanggyangon. The Chi Ha (Airfix) has it turret backwards and is leading with the rear MG as Dave had worked out it was more dangerous to the Commonwealth infantry than the main gun. Ha Go by SHQ


119th Infantry Regiment lined up ready to advance to Kyigon


Type 94 Tankette (SHQ) supporting the 55th Infantry Regiment


55th Infantry Regiment prepares to move south, attacking towards the airstrip's admin buildings


3rd Battalion 14th Punjab Regiment prepared to defend the ruined admin buildings from the Japanese


2nd East Yorkshire Battalion defends Kyigon


14th Tank Regiment meets the 3rd Battalion 9th JAT Regiment attacking into the flank of the 119th's slow advance on Kyigon. This attack diverted the 119th from its advance as the 2nd battalion turned to the woods to clear out the British


The 1st Battalion moves forward to Kyigon but a single battalion on its own isn't really enough to attempt to take the town


55th Pushes south towards the centre of the airstrip. However the British morale checks were uniformly good and the Japanese were not so good. The assault proved ineffectual.


The Commonwealth reinforcement roll was good: A Squadron Probyn’s Horse arriving at the earliest opportunity. This is a Humber MkIV of the 16th Light Cavalry (Actually a Matchbox MkII hull with an Adapt Armour (aka Liberation miniatures) turret)


Shermans (HAT) of A Squadron Probyn’s Horse rush towards the runway


The 14th Tank Regiment moves to cover the north end of the airstrip, however they will prove no match for the Sherman; described as the "King Tiger of the Far East by John"


The 16th Light Cavalry moves to support the 2nd East Yorkshire Battalion in Kyigon. The tank destruction stand of the 1st Battalion 119th Infantry Regiment tries to take it on and discovers that an armoured car is quite lethal up close.


Japanese AT guns hold the flank of the 55th's advance south.


The Japanese tanks try to face off the Shermans. Despite the assistance of the Japanese artillery the Japanese are badly outclassed. Its not long before the Ha Go is burning and the Chi Ha has run off. To the right the Japanese bear down on the last British defender in the south east corner of the wood.

Allies' airpower arrives. P-47D pulls up from its bombing run an Japanese artillery position. The initial wave of attacks was none to successful. Old Revel kit.


Also in support the Austers of B Flight 656th AOP Squadron. Airfix kit


A pair of tank destruction stands burst from the wood and charge the closest Sherman. However the fire from the supporting infantry was too intense and they were forced back into the trees


One of the Shermans moves up to the middle of the airfield. The Japanese southwards thrust has stalled, but their tankette is just intimidating enough to prevent the Indians counter attacking. The Sherman fired at the Tankette and missed before failing its morale check. Eventually the tankette was taken care of by a pair of Thunderbolts.


The Indians of 3rd Battalion 9th JAT Regiment counterattack the Japanese in the wood. Trying to remove them from proximity of the airstrip. However its a rather desperate 1:1 attack.


Once the Shermans had failed their morale and gone pinned, and the Japanese infantry had cleared away some of the British infantry the tanks destruction stands tried again. This time dying gloriously for the emperor and taking the Sherman with them.


We ran out of time at that point. The Japanese were not going to make their victory conditions having not made any serious attempt at taking Kyigon. However they still had plenty of troops in the woods in proximity to the airstrip which would have been tough for the Commonwealth troops to budge. The game would have been a close run thing between a draw and a standard Commonwealth victory

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