Bridgehead at Neulankau


On Christmas day 1946, the Soviet army plunged across the Inner German Border to attack the Allied Occupation Zones in Germany. The ill prepared Allied armies buckled under the onslaught.  The 17th Guards Rifle Division smashed a bridgehead across the  Elbe-Lubeck Canal at Neulankau. Unfortunately for them the road bridge was not capable of carrying heavy armour. The heavy bridge to the north remained in British hands. The Soviet 11th Tank Division waits behind the 17th ready to pour across the road bridge as soon as the 17th Guards clear the way.

The British had wired both bridges for destruction. The Bridge at Neulankau was seized before the charges could be detonated. The charges at Hude failed to go off. The 15th Infantry Brigade needs to blow up both bridges to keep the Soviets in the east

This scenario is the precursor to the Kesseburg scenario

Map and Order of Battle

British Deployment

The 1st York and Lancs and the 2nd Devonshires are deployed in the areas indicated. They have dug in to foxholes over night

15th Brigade HQ, HQ Company and 141st RAC can be deployed in either battalions' deployment area

A Squadron Royal Dragoons must be deployed OUTSIDE the deployment areas of the infantry battalions. They must be over 12" from the Soviet deployment area OR out of LOS of the Soviet deployment areas. They must be deployed west of the canal and must be within 6" of it. Basically their job is to patrol the canal and ensure no Soviet infiltrators get across.

56th Field Company RE is a reinforcement it arrives down road G or road F on turn 5.

Mack Force is a reinforcement turn turn 7. It arrives anywhere from point A to F

No reinforcement can arrive within12" and LOS of an un-demoralised enemy stand. If entry is impossible, the reinforcements can enter a turn later up to 12" from  their indicated entry location. If entry is still impossible move 12" further away every turn until entry is possible.

Soviet Deployment

1st & 3rd Battalions 45th Guards Rifle Regiment are deployed in the areas indicated They can start dug in in foxholes

The 45th Guards RHQ can starts in either deployment zone

FO 1st Battalion, Mortar Regiment, 26th Artillery Brigade is deployed in the 1st Battalion's deployment zone. 2nd Battalion, Howitzer Regiment, 26th Artillery Brigade and the Divisional AA Battalion are deployed in the 3rd Battalion's deployment zone.

The Divisional AT Battery and the Divisional Engineer Battalion enter the table turn 1. They can each enter along any road B, C, D or E. They enter in column so for each vehicle using the road after the first reduce the move by 3".

2nd Battalion 45th Guards Rifle Regiment is a reinforcement, entering the table turn 2. It enters between C and E.

366th Guards SU Regiment is a reinforcement turn 5. It will enter along any road B, C, D or E. The SU's enter in column so for each vehicle using the road after the first reduce the move by 3".

No reinforcement can arrive within12" and LOS of an un-demoralised enemy stand. If entry is impossible, the reinforcements can enter a turn later up to 12" from  their indicated entry location. If entry is still impossible move 12" further away every turn until entry is possible.

Reinforcement Synopsis

Turn Unit Entry
1 Divisional AT Battery B, C, D or E
1 Divisional Engineer Battalion B, C, D or E
2 2nd Battalion 45th Guards Rifle Regiment C to E
5 56th Field Company RE G or F
5 366th Guards SU Regiment B, C, D or E
7 Mack Force A to F


The map is an 8ft x 5ft area if playing 1"=50m

The open ground is fields.

The green dotted lines are tree lines and hedges. These break LOS and give -1 cover to all stands. Any stand on a road with an adjacent hedge is assumed to be adjacent to the hedge

The blue line is the Elbe-Lubek Kanal, its impassable to all stands unless on assault boats (see below). Its wide enough that stands on one bank can not see through the tree line on the far bank

The bridge at Hude is a class VI bridge, that at Neulankau is only a class IV bridge so won't take ISU's or Churchills. Neither bridge breaks LOS or provides cover.

Red lines are roads.

The green areas, are forest, impenetrable to vehicles and man-handled guns, 1/2 speed for personnel stands. Light cover (-1). Where the roads penetrate the woods visibility is 6". All stands are still considered in cover

The large grey squares are 4x4 stone BUA's,  The buildings are widely spaced. vehicles and towed guns are assumed to be between the buildings. Inf in the BUA gets -3 cover, vehicles and towed guns only get -1 cover

The small grey squares are 2x2 stone BUA's. They can only be occupied by personal stands (not towed guns). max capacity 1 stand.

Air Support

Both sides are frantically scrambling for air superiority, so there is much air activity. Note if using my air rules the Soviets place first. Each side rolls 2d6 every turn, turn 5 onwards, 1d6 for fighters and 1d6 for ground attack. A 5-6 means one plane of the appropriate type.

Use any suitable plane

Special Rules

Games starts at dawn in the fog. Game starts at 7am and finishes in 12 turns (this is to keep with the Soviet timetable for the attack). The day dawns foggy. Turns 1 & 2 are 2" visibility, turn 3-4 is 12" visibility, thereafter visibility is 60"

The bridge at Hude is wired for destruction but detonation failed. Use rule 29.2.1 pg 75. Basically the engineer must end a turn on the bridge in good morale and unpinned to fix the charges, then retreat off the bridge to blow it.

The bridge at Neulankau is also wired for destruction but the Soviets have vandalised the charges. In order to fix the charges an engineer stand must spend two turns halted on the bridge in good morale and unpinned.

Either side may blow the bridges

Should the Soviet player choose to use the assault boats use rule 29.4. However a stand may load, cross the canal, and unload in one turn with a hasty advance. The boats take a hasty advance to cross back over the canal.

Turn one the British artillery unlashes a programmed bombardment on the defenders of Neulankau. All stands within the deployment zone are auto suppressed turn 1. The British may fire no other artillery turn 1.

Victory Conditions

If the Soviets hold both bridges and either point F or point G they get a decisive victory

If the Soviets hold Hude bridge and Neulankau is NOT held by the British and the Soviets hold either point F or point G thee Soviets get a decisive victory

If the Soviets hold Neulankau bridge and and either point F or point G they get a minor victory

If the Soviets hold neither bridge but do hold BOTH point F & G they get a minor victory

If the British prevent a Soviet victory the Brits get a minor victory

If the British prevent a Soviet victory and the Brits hold or blow both bridges they win a decisive victory