Combat Command C – 1st Armored Division


2/1st Armored Regiment


1 M4 Sherman Command

HQ Company

1 M4 81mm Halftrack* (any HQ call 1-7)

1 Recce Jeep (attached from RHQ)

D, E & F Companies (each)

1 M4 Sherman Command

2 M4 Shermans

Company C 701st Tank Destroyer Battalion (attached)

1 M3 75mm GMC Command

1 M3 75mm GMC

[68th Armoured Artillery Battalion (-) (off table)

B & C Batteries each

1 T19 105mm HMC (any HQ call 1 gun 1-7, call both 1-5)]


3/6th Armoured Infantry Battalion


1 Command Stand

1 M3

[HQ Company off table

1 T30 75mm HMC* (any HQ call 1-7)]

3 Companies

1 Command Infantry Stand

1 Infantry Stand

1 Weapons Stand

3 M3

1 M3 towing M1 37mm AT Gun


1 Platoon B Company 81st Recon Battalion

1 Recce 60mm Mortar Stand (self-spotted IDF only)

1 Jeep + MG


*There are three real world M4 and 3 T30 in each battalion. I've amalgamated them and assigned the T30 to the infantry and M4 to the tanks


Note the US 37mm does have canister. US infantry has yet to be supplied with Bazookas.


Kampfgruppe Gerhardt – 10 Panzer Division


II Abt 7 Panzer Regiment – enter turn 1


1 PzBefWg-IIIK

4 & 5 Liechte Kompanie (each)

1 PzKfw-IIIL Command

1 PzKfw-IIIL

6 Mitte Kompanie

1 PzKfw-IVF2 Command

1 PzKfw-IVF1

Zug 1 Batterie 90 PzJgr Abt (attached)

1 Marder-III 7.62cm (self-order)

[1 Batterie 90 Artillerie Regiment (off table)

1 leFH-18 105mm (any HQ call 1-7)]


Kampfgruppe Schuette – 21 Panzer Division


104 Panzer Grenadier Regiment

2 Kp PzGr Kompanie

1 Command Infantry Stand (+)

1 Infantry Stand (+)

1 Weapons Stand

1 SdKfz-10 towed PaK-38

[1 Batterie 90 Artillerie Regiment (off table)

1 leFH-18 105mm (any HQ call 1-7)]



1 Command Infantry Stand

1 Kfz-1 Car

1 SdKfz-7 towed FlaK-36 88mm

1 Truck towed FlaK-38 20mm


Kampfgruppe Stenkhoff – 21 Panzer Division


I Abt 5 Panzer Regiment – enter turn 3


1 PzBefWg-IIIH

1 & 2 Liechte Kompanie (each)

1 PzKfw-IIIL Command

1 PzKfw-IIIL

3 Mitte Kompanie

1 PzKfw-IVF2 Command

1 PzKfw-IVF1

[Artillerie Batterie (attached from 5 PR) off table

1 88mm 25pdr (any HQ call 1-7)]


Troop Quality


US Troops: Trained Morale 9

KG Gerhardt and Stenkoff: Veteran Morale 9

KG Schuette: Experienced Morale 9